That which changes is not real, that which is real does not change.
Let silence take you to the core of life.
La vraie méditation, c'est être ce que tu es vraiment, consciemment.
Ressens, sans penser, et tout t'est révélé.
In reality, there is only the magnificence of the Knowing itself
Being can be felt, but it can never be understood mentally
Il y a un champ au-delà du bien et du mal, je te rencontrerai là-bas.
It’s your road and yours alone. Others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you.
Transcendance et immanence, c'est ce que Je suis.
We are such stuff that dreams are made of
le corps et le mental sont les vagues, ton être est l'océan.
Do not look for happiness, You are happiness.